What's the difference between html and xml

What's the difference between html and xml

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The first question that many people ask when they start to learn about programming languages is, "What's the difference between HTML and XML?" It's a critical distinction for programmers to know, since these two languages are used in different contexts. HTML is a markup language for describing a document, and XML is a data representation language.

We'll begin by explaining what HTML means, and then move on to how XML works. Then we'll show how you can use the DTD to create HTML that conforms to the DTD. Finally, we'll discuss how you can convert XML documents to HTML--and vice versa--with DTDs for both languages.

What is an HTML document?

An HTML document is composed of text, images and hyperlinks. In the same way that Microsoft Word lets you define headers, footers, page numbers and other elements of a document's design, HTML lets you define the content of your documents. The <head> element is where you can include information about your document such as a title or keywords that describe the material in your document. The <body> element contains all of the HTML code for displaying information.

The header and body of an HTML document are enclosed in the <html> and </html> tags. The <head> element appears before the <body> element.

Computer code looks like this: 

<html> ... </html>

Plain English looks like this: 

Hello world!  This is a document. It has a title, some text, some images, and some links to other documents. That's all this web page has to say about itself... 



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